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Discover Dolls Yearbook 2023-2024

Thank you for your interest in our new YearBook which is taking over from Discover Dolls Magazine in 2023
The book will be published in paperback on Amazon in early May 2023 in time for distribution at the summer shows.

We are currently looking to have in the region of 200 pages of information, artist profiles, guides and tutorials and even some collectors perspectives.

The book will be available across all Amazon platforms and can be purchased in the buyers local region

Cost to be included in the book can be worked out in this simple calculator:

Single Page £50
Double page £90
Three page spread £120
Four page spread £140
Additional pages over 4 priced at £30 a page.
(please note that if submitting multiple articles you will be charged for total pages booked across all articles)

Please see below for some examples of how the book will look, and scroll right down for detailed information and FAQ's

Single Page Article

Bluebird Nursery.jpg

Double Page Article 

Mary Myrtle Spread.jpg

Four Page Article

Rainbow Moon-Spread 1.jpg

Six Page Article

Janet-spread 1.jpg

Thank you for your interest in the Discover Dolls Yearbook 2023-2024



If you are reading this page then you have expressed an interest in placing an article in this publication, so please keep reading for details of what to do now!

1) Size and Price
Please look at the pages and the prices shown above and get an idea of what suits your needs and your budget.


I personally find that the best articles are written in the artists own tongue, so if you feel you can, please prepare some text to go on your pages.
Alternatively I can send you a question set which is designed to get a little of your history, a bit about you as a person and what the art means to you, as well as some of your future goals and prospects.
I have some artists who have opted for very little text in their articles, and for their pages to focus on big bold beautiful images. Remember it will be the images which stand out more to the reader. 
If you want a question set please drop me an email and I will send one over.


Please read this information very carefully as we are publishing on Amazon in paperback, there are quite strict requirements for images. Also it is very important for the aesthetics of the book that your images are clear and focused.
Images HAVE to be raw. Do not crop, resize or add any text or watermarks. If they need cropping we can do that on our end, and some images may be cropped and resized by me as I fit them into your page.
Please take images in as high resolution as you can. 300dpi is fine. Most modern phone cameras can capture a print quality image, but if your phone is more than a few years old, you might want to borrow a phone, or use a decent camera for your images.
NUDUTY. I have chosen not to publish any total nudity in the book and images with dolls genitals will not be used, or may be cropped or modified.

4) Business information.

Alongside your article we will publish your business information so that readers can get in touch with you if they like your work.

Please make sure you include (where applicable)

Your name
Your Business name
Your artform
email address.
Facebook BUSINESS PAGE (we won't link to personal profiles)
Instagram page
Any other relevant social media

5) What happens after you have submitted your information?
Once we have your images and text we will put your pages together. If we feel you have too much or too little for the space booked we will work with you to get your pages right for you. 

Once the spreads have been put together and approved we will invoice you for them and when payment has been received they will be placed in the book.
Please note that due to past lessons learned, no articles will be placed until they have been paid for.

6) Types of articles:
We will be looking for a variety of articles including:
* Artist Profiles
* Information pages
* Product Guides

* Business profiles
* Tutorials
We are also open to suggestions if you have an idea for an article that could support your business! 

7) Order and placement of articles. 
We will be breaking the magazine up into sections. We will start with information and introductions to reborns and reborning. There will be a little about the history of the industry, current issues, information on avoiding scammers and buying online, and some pages about the impacts of counterfeit dolls and kits. As well as other information pages.
Next there will be all the artist profiles together, and they will all be in a similar format as shown above. 
Artist profiles will be (as much as possible) placed in order that they are received and designed. 

After the artist profiles we will have all the guides and tutorials. So far we have been offered a sculpting tutorial and a painting guide using some newly available paints. Tutorials and product guides are a great way to promote your product in an informative way. 

Why we have changed from a 4 monthly magazine to a yearly book?

There are many reasons for this change, including the cost of print and design, the administration of the publication, the longevity of the "advertising" and also the demand for something new and fresh!

Since the pandemic the cost of print and design has gone up to a point where the value of the current advertising is not sufficient to meet the costs of production.

The production of a magazine costs several thousands upfront, and requires a significant amount of time, admin and expense to maintain. The many boxes of magazines require storage, and each sale of an individual magazine requires picking, packing, posting and all the admin that goes with direct sales. 

We are entering into a period of economic uncertainly. and not only that, the reborn industry is also entering a difficult period with the discontinuation of genesis paints, and the prevalence of counterfeit dolls and kits. The production of the book will mean that not only can I significantly reduce the advertising costs, but I can also increase the longevity of the advertising. Once the book is published to Amazon, it will be current for a full 12 months, and will be available to purchase for years to come alongside. 

To advertise a single page in the magazine would cost you £200 per issue, so £600 per year. Under the new price structure, your £200 will but you a full colour SIX PAGE spread and that advertising will be current for the full 12 months. 

In terms of something new and fresh, I feel that the market for magazines is dwindling a little. Sales had begin to fall even before the pandemic, but the option to purchase a beautiful thick glossy paperback filled with artist profiles, lovely pictures, information, tutorials and so much more will be very well received.

I also hope that I can use it as a medium through which to convey the seriousness of the counterfeit doll issue, and perhaps educate people who are not on social media, and don't follow the reborn community as a whole. 

I came across the idea of Amazon publishing while trying to find a planner, and then having a bit of fun designing my own and listing it on Amazon. 
I loved playing with the designs and wondered if Amazon would be a viable platform for Discover Dolls.


Publishing on Amazon will mean that once the book is available, it will be easy to purchase across the world, and the area I fall down on most, orders and delivery, are all taken care of for me! 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read all this information, if you still have any questions please feel free to ask, and I hope that we can work together to promote your business on our pages!

© 2019 Discover Dolls Magazine

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